You can download our workshops that provide you with many tips and useful information. They are each 2 hours long and highly informative. We bring examples from our own private practices and experiences. The workshops are packed with new research data on how to strive and succeed in a new country. We also provide you with the opportunity to ask specific questions, which will be answered in an additional 30-minute program.

New upcoming WORKSHOPS: 

How to Realize Your Potentials to the Fullest in the New Country and Be Happy

Immigrants enter the new country with dreams of building a happy, successful, and prosperous life. But in the process of doing so, they encounter numerous challenges. For the sake of the family’s welfare and for economic reasons, they often settle for jobs that are much inferior to the ones they had in their own country and not challenging enough for their potential. They often start to suffer from self-doubt, lack of confidence, and a sense of shame, and questions start surfacing as to whether they should have ever moved to the new country. They often become depressed, restless, impatient, and experience family problems. Fathers often continue to do menial jobs for the sake of their children and the family. Often the depression remains hidden deep within their mind, and this weakens their drive and suppresses their motivation to aim higher toward meeting their true potential. They feel rootless, dejected, and blame themselves for their decision to come to the new country. 

If you are an Immigrant and want to regain your confidence and motivation to leave the safety of a bad job and acquire the strength to dream of a happy and prosperous life with new possibilities, our online workshop is for you. 

Listen to the many examples of immigrants just like you, what they did, how they moved out of their unhappy lifestyle, and how they freed themselves to dare start thinking of a better life. 

Our online 2-hour workshop based on scientific research of psychology will help you gain back your positivity and motivation and use them as a springboard towards the realization of your own abilities and wisdom, indeed the realization of your full potential.

Immigrant Couples: Build a More Loving Relationship

After immigration, spouses go through enormous

After immigration, spouses go through enormous changes in their relationship. Turmoil awaits in the shadows as the traditional gender roles may suddenly be changed. In the absence of an extended family, your spouse is often the only source of support in the new country. As immigrants, we get bombarded with new gender norms and standards, as witnessed in local families.  As we try to settle down and take care of our own families, we become confronted with role changes and expectations that are vastly different from those of our original country and we can feel confused. Fights and conflicts emerge. The relationship is now in need of a transformation so that a ‘New Us’ emerges and remains as the main support in this migration process. 

As two psychologists, each with decades of experience in these role expectations and confusion, we would like to bring our clinical insights and passion to bear on how to improve and solidify your spousal relationships so that positivity finds a home in the family. We have developed easy-to-learn modules teaching positive skills that can transform your committed relationship.  

Our online 2-hour workshop based on scientific research of psychology will help you gain back your loving spousal relationship, acceptance and understanding on how to negotiate the new roles within your family. With our programs, you learn to put your deep wisdom into practice. Watch the videos and reflect on them with the help of practical worksheets to obtain insight and understanding for your new transformation.

Our online 2-hour workshop based on scientific research of psychology will help you gain back your loving spousal relationship, , acceptance and understanding on how to negotiate the new roles