As parents, especially immigrant parents you understand the importance of education and the doors it can open for your child’s future. But the reality is often, when it comes to studying your child seems more interested in playing with technological gadgets than studying it can be frustrating and overwhelming especially in today’s competitive academic landscape when other children are excelling. The parenting guide below will help you in motivating your child and increasing their study habits.

1. Set Clear Goals

Start by making clear goals with your child. Break large goals down into smaller steps that are easy to understand. When you have a clear goal it’s easier to know what you’re working towards. Your child will have a sense of direction and purpose making it easier to stay on target. Encourage your child to set their own hierarchy of goals.

2. Highlight the Why

Help your child understand why studying is important. Imagine you are both time travelers and you are showing them the amazing things they can do with education. Talk about how it can help them have a good job or make a difference in the world. When they understand the reasons behind studying they will be more motivated. Help your children visualize their goals. Visualization is an important aspect of success.

3. Celebrate Achievements

When your child does well in their studies it’s time to celebrate. Give them praise and rewards for their hard work. It could be something simple like an afternoon out, a small celebration, verbal praise, rewards or inviting their friends.

4. Create a Supportive Study Environment

Make a special place for studying that is comfortable and free from distractions. Fill it with things that make your child happy like colourful posters or their favorite snacks. Established consistent study routines and rituals. Show interest in their studies. Talk to them about their difficulties and academic problems. Provide guidance if needed and emotional support.

5. Increase Intrinsic Motivation

Encourage your child to find joy in learning for its own sake. Together with your child explore their passions and interests. Help them discover more about their interests and show them how it connects to the real world. When they see the value in what they are learning they will feel more motivated to study on their own.

6. Encourage a Balanced Routine

It is important to create a balance between studying and other activities such as rest, relaxation, recreation, and social activities. Sports and spending time with their friends are fun and will ultimately help with learning. A good balance helps to avoid burnout and overwhelm.

7. Be a Role Model

Lead by example and be a positive role model for your child. Show your own enthusiasm for learning and personal growth. Let them see how education has positively impacted your life by telling them as well. When they see you enjoy learning and have fun, they will be more likely to follow your example.

Read More: Breaking through the Rebellion: How to Move from Conflict to Cooperation with your Teenager